Friday, 11 February 2011

Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World

Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of the World, it is true and accurate if Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of the World. In this article I will explain it is true that the Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World.

Komodo island is the NEW 7 Wonders of the World, this is the appropriate sentence to Komodo National Park at this time. For me, Komodo Island is really the NEW 7 wonders of the World with all the wonders that exist inside.

Besides Komodo which is the largest ancient lizard species that exist on earth today, also the beauty of the is  Komodo Island is really quite fascinating for anyone who saw it, beaches, grasslands, sand dunes, sea and underwater are all very beautiful.

Komodo Island or Komodo National Park is The World Heritage Site
Komodo is one of the 17.508 islands That make up the Republic of Indonesia. The island has a surface area of 390 km ² and over 2000 inhabitants. Komodo is part of the Lesser Sunda chain of islands and forms part of the Komodo National Park. Particularly Notable here is the native Komodo dragon. In Addition, the island is a popular destination for diving. Administratively, it is part of the East Nusa Tenggara province.

Komodo Island or Komodo National Park is home to the world's largest lizard. Komodo is the largest lizard in the world, As an Indonesia Endemic animals, they just stay on the island of Komodo, Rinca island and small islands around it, and in the western part of Flores Island in Indonesia. There are 277 species of animals which is a mix of animals coming from Asia and Australia, which consists of 32 species of mammals, 128 species of birds and 37 species of reptiles. Together with dragons, at least 25 species of land animals and birds, including protected animals, because the amount is limited, or limited their deployment.

Komodo National Park includes one of the world's richest marine environments. It consists of forams, cnidaria (includes over 260 species of reef building coral), sponges (70 species), ascidians, marine worms, mollusks, echinoderms, crustaceans, cartilaginous and bony fishes (over 1,000 species), marine reptiles, and marine mammals (dolphins, whales, and dugongs). Some notable species with high commercial value include sea cucumbers, Napoleon wrasse, and groupers.

Some of the Komodo's sandy beach beautiful pink, colored by fragments of red coral mixed with other shell and coral fragments. Other beach has gray sand derived from rhyolite cliffs. Heavy black sand consists of nearly pure magnetite accumulates on the side of the cliff.

Komodo Dragon is the Largest Lizard Species
Komodo is the largest lizard species that live on earth, but they are not the largest reptiles. Crocodiles and alligators get larger than the Komodo. Crocodiles and alligators are also more closely related to dinosaurs, not dragons. Komodo is an alert and agile predators and scavengers that can reach 2.5 meters in length and 125 kg, they are known locally as 'Ora' and now about 1,100 inhabit Komodo Island and about half live on the nearby island of Rinca.

Komodo dragons are the relics of ancient animals are native to Indonesia and turned out to be the most deadly poisonous reptiles in the world with a poison that can paralyze prey very quickly. Secrets of the ability to kill prey of Komodo, it lies in a combination of bite force and thousands of poison glands located on the gums, are pulled together when biting.

Komodo is an excellent swimmer and can swim from one island to another. Komodo Island has many beautiful beaches where visitors can play and swim, but the existence of dragons feet and tail-prints in the sand to warn visitors to be careful and vigilant.

Diving In Komodo Island
Komodo Island is one of the best dive sites in the world, diversity of choice diving around Komodo Island is astounding, from the colorful and calm shallow reefs filled with hundreds colorful of reef fish. The variety of marine life for Komodo scuba diving rivals the world's best dive destinations. This is the world's epicentre for marine diversity and you'll see loads of stuff here on a diving cruise that you just won't see anywhere else in the world - From sunfish, mantas, dolphins and eagle rays to pygmy seahorses, ornate ghost pipefish, clown frogfish, nudibranchs and blue-ringed octopus - all at home amongst a spectacular range of colourful sponges, sea squirts, tunicates and corals - a macro enthusiast's heaven.

For diving in komodo dive sites, you can use the services of Komodo Island Dive package. Komodo Island Dive Package is part of a package of Komodo Island Tuor, the guide will help you explore every Komodo Dive Site that you want.

How To Get Komodo Island
Komodo and Rinca island are two interesting locations to visit. Two exotic locales that you can reach via Labuan Bajo, the capital of West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara. While most visitors enter Komodo National Park (KNP) through the gateway cities of Labuan Bajo in the west of Flores or Bima in eastern Sumbawa, the departure point for your trip is actually Denpasar, Bali.

If Bali and Lombok are the main objectives your trip, you can use some of the travel services to Komodo Island in Bali or Lombok as guide your journey to Komodo island. Here are a few packages of Komodo Island Tour and Travel that will guide your journey from Bali to Komodo Island :
komodotravel guides

11 Tips Travel to Komodo Island
Here are tips on his journey:
  1. Flights to Labuan Bajo can be done from Bali and Kupang.
  2. Travel to the island of Komodo and Rinca Island must use the ship. Types of marine transport that is used all kinds, ranging yacht, speed boat, boat to boat klotok usual. Rental prices in one day starting from Rp1 million to 50 million depending on the type of vessel.
  3. The duration of the trip from Labuan Bajo to Komodo Island of 2-5 hours, depending on the type of ship used.
  4. Entrance fee per person Rp20 thousand (local) and $ 15 for foreign tourists. Cameras, camcorders, etc. will dkenai cost.
  5. Currently, tourists can choose go to the island of Komodo or Rinca Island. Both have its own characteristics, it's just the distance from Labuan Bajo Komodo further.
  6. Location Komodo Island wider range area can be selected route short, medium or long. Location Rinca Island is smaller, but also divided into three tracks. Rinca Island can be found ape habitats, wild horses and buffalo. Habitat for deer and buffalo are also often found on Komodo Island.
  7. Natural scenery on the two islands are very beautiful. However, do not be careless. Do not ever split from the party or far from the ranger (the officer who has become such a charmer dragons).
  8. Sun's heat was overpowering, it is advisable to wear hats and use sun protection cream.
  9. It is recommended to give a souvenir on the island of Rinca and Komodo, because souvenirs are still difficult to find in Labuan Bajo.Bentuk souvenirs on offer, is the statue of dragons, typical fabric Flores, pearls, and t-Shirt.
  10. In Labuan Bajo available accommodation ranging from guesthouses and hotel class.
  11. Do not forget to create documentation for your trip on the island of Komodo dragons
So with beautiful panoramic beach, under water and the Komodo dragon as icons on the island of Komodo is very exotic. In my opinion, Komodo Island is eligible to be included in the New 7 Wonders of the World. So it's time to Komodo island called Komodo island is the NEW 7 Wonders of the World.

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Kontes SEO Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World

Kontes seo Komodo Island is the NEW 7 Wonders of The World, kontesseo terbaru awal tahun 2011 (Pebruari, Maret, April). Kontes seo ini diselenggarakan untuk mengajak masyarakat membuat content bermanfaat, dan memberitahu ke khalayak dunia memang Pulau Komodo merupakan 7 Keajaiban Dunia yang wajib di ketahui dan dinikmati oleh warga bumi ini.


1. Tanggal dimulainya kontes adalah 7 Februari 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
2. Tanggal berakhirnya kontes adalah 25 April 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
3. Pengumuman tgl. 30 April 2011.
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Komodo Island is the New 7 Wonders of the World

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Perlunya Web Komunitas Event Organizer

Perlunya Web Komunitas Event Organizer adalah upaya perlunya menyatukan para Event Organizer dalam satu komunitas atau wadah berupa Web Komunitas Event Organizer. Dengan adanya web komunitas event organizer sebagai forum komunkasi pelaku bisnis professional dalam hal jasa penyelenggaraan suatu event akan memudahkan seorang Event Organizer dalam merancang event atau acara yang akan dilaksanakan.

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Event Organizer atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan EO adalah seseorang atau sebuah team yang ahli dalam melaksanakan suatu acara atau kegiatan pertunjukan baik itu pernikahan, musik, expo atau pameran dan kegiatan atau event besar lainnya. Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya seorang EO bertanggung jawab penuh menyukseskan sebuah event dari mulai perencanaan hingga event tersebut selesai atau ditutup.

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